Friday, July 14, 2006

Top 10 Reasons Your Mother Doesn't Love You ver 4.0

Why do I need AOL? I have a computer.
Your mother hates you. If your mother tells you she loves you watch her and in the next 5 to 7 minutes she will ask you to do something she can't or won't do because she is old, lazy or both. Always remember all mothers lie and grandmothers taught mothers everything they know. Do not belief a mother or grandmother about anything you do.
Now on to the show
Reasons your mother doesn't love you
  1. You look like your father
  2. Your father is the mailman, postman, milkman or a vacuum cleaner salesman. It is not the person you call dad
  3. Your father was not the mailman, postman, milkman, vacuum cleaner salesman, etc.. This was the person your mother wanted to have hot sex with but never got the chance.
  4. When you were drop on your head as a baby you did not die.
  5. You make her lie to everyone about how special, gifted, talented, smart, funny, etc .. you are. This is not the case. Remember all mothers lie and grandmothers are worse because they have been doing it longer.
  6. Your friends will only sleep with her when they are drunk.
  7. Your 38 and will not clean up your room and/or move out.
  8. Your last girlfriend(if you have ever had one) remind her of herself.
  9. You make her remember when she was young because you robbed her of any life she might have had if it was not for you.
  10. Your a constant disappointment. This is the only true thing your mother will ever say to you.
Remember all mothers are liars. If you think she isn't ask her if she think your handsome, pretty or cute. If you have doubts that she is a liar go look in a mirror. If you still have doubt check into the nearest psycho ward because you need serious help.


Blogger sixvoltsystem said...

You make me sick you sick twisted bastard! I hope I die and come back a rabid dog...CAUSE I'M GONNA HUNT YOU DOWN AND BITE YOUR HAND THAT FED MY SISTER!

10:38 PM  
Blogger HawkeyeUL said...

Your sister is a slut just like your mom.

10:46 PM  
Blogger sixvoltsystem said...

Well you know what if you paid more attention to my mom she wouldn't pay me to write shit for her.

10:48 PM  

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