Thursday, August 10, 2006

Please buy my product

I’ve been trying to buy a house. Because of this I need some money. The only way I know of to get money is the good old American way. That way is to advertise to suckers like you, so here is the first of many ads you are going to see. Please buy this product so I don’t have to dip in to my world destruction fund.

The following is a paid advertisement for

Do you have feelings of inadequacy, guilt or anger? Are you tired of people rejecting you just because you have dandruff, no job and worse no life? Are you saddened by loved ones running away in terror at the very site of you?

Maybe Plazacade is right for you. Plazacade will relieve your anxiety symptoms for up to 2 hours.

As with any treatments there are risks. Tell your doctor if experience,
nose bleeds, headaches, high blood pressure, or fainting as these may be a signs of a more serious problem.

As with all medications there are possible side effects.

The most common of these are sudden heartburn, a loss of sex drive, unscheduled pregnancy, drowsiness, uncontrollable gas, loss of all motor functions, black eyes, herpes, gingivitis, psychotic episodes, gulf war syndrome and possible death. Death was generally mild and only occured in 95% of subjects who took prescription Plazacade. Is Plazacade right for you? Only your doctor can answer that for sure. Since we paid them enough, it will be.

With Plazacade your world can be a happy place.

Plazacade, if it don’t kill it just might cure you.


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