Thursday, September 07, 2006

Super Volcanoes Fun but Pointless

Last night I rediscovered a nugget of mass destruction. About a year ago I learned that Yellowstone would blow and take millions with it. While I delighted at the prospect of this happing I filed it in the back of my mind as useless information but a new show on one of the discovery channels brought it back. How many discovery channels do we need by the way? I have direct tv and I have at least 7 of the damn things.

Anyway, even if such a super volcanoes did erupt would it rid the world of people that are allowed to drive with handicap stickers? No, sure it might get rid of a few but they are like roaches. You can’t kill all of them no matter how much nerve gas you use. If you don’t believe me, just ask Sadam. You see them everywhere driving around as slow as a car can possibly go then when you try to pass they kick in the warp drive. They also do the astounding park and turn maneuver. Something, that I think they learned from a bad star trek episode or from a depends commercial. This is where they bring their vehicle to an abrupt stop making sure you have to slam on your brakes just to keep why the helfrom running them down, which might not be a bad thing if there wasn’t law against it (damn hippy lawyers). Then as slow as they can they turn into the road or driveway that they want to enter. To make this maneuver as tricky as possible they often won’t signal, though if you get one that’s really cleaver they will signal the wrong direction. Another thing that has always upset me is the total lack of disregard the people in charge of traffic laws have for public safety. Because, you know I’m all about public safety. But anyway,l are these people given parking spaces in the most crowed section of the parking lot? A little to much pain medication and grandma is plowing down the Salvation Army’s Santa during the come sit on the perverts lap and take a picture day at the local Wal-Mart. Wont little Suzy be surprised? She is getting her present early this year and it’s a shiny bumper from a 1975 old 88.

Which brings me do another thing that’s bugging me about this people. Why they hell do they think they need a car that predates the American Revolution? These people drive around in cars that are the size of Noah's Arch. My only conclusion is they all got together and figured out its easier to hit things when your car is the size of Ohio.

In closing I hate people with these stickers on their cars but I still hate Eskimos more.


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